#Decentralized Identity
#OpenID for SSI
Gimly ID: SSI with OpenID Connect, SIOPV2, OIDC4VP
Gimly ID is a leading self-sovereign identity innovation, with the implementation of SSI with self-issued openID provider (SIOPv2), OpenID connect for verifiable presentations (OIDC4VP) and the DIF presentation exchange.
Key features:
- Fully self-sovereign authentication and data exchange: user controlled keys and credentials.
- Passwordless login with industry standard authentication: integrating SSI with Open ID connect through SIOPv2 and OIDC4VP.
- Conditional login without prior registration: DIF presentation exchange support.
- Interoperability and flexibility: multiple did methods and blockchains through universal resolver and registrar.
Watch also:
Simplify Access with Gimly
This demo shows how Gimly Tap to ID technology can be used for a reception-less check-in use case in hospitality.